Player Rules
1. Be willing to listen to and make compromises with your teammates.
2. Be respectful when giving criticism to others. Before giving feedback to another person, ask first if they would like to hear it.
3. During draft, communicate with your drafter and your team about what you want to play. Do not force your pick just because you want to play a certain hero.
4. Lobby hosts are responsible for uploading replays to the bot.
5. You may stream inhouses and comms. Expect everything you say to be recorded.
6. You may join team channels to listen in, but be respectful.
7. Be communicative in Discord voice when playing inhouses.
The Raven Court Team League
The Raven Court Team League is starting soon!
To sign up, head over to
To support the league, check out our donation goals over at
Follow our Twitter to stay up to date!
Welcome to Raven Court
We are a Discord community that plays Heroes of the Storm inhouse games with
matchmaking, random teams and leaderboards. Inhouses are for you who wants a more
competitive experience than playing ladder, but something more casual than tournaments
and scrims.
To join us, hop onto our Discord server then follow the instructions there.
See you soon!
Ongoing Event
Event 2 has been running for 3807 hours, 31 minutes.